The purpose of the East-West Corridor Project is to reduce congestion and connect the growing neighborhood of Terrace Heights to the City of Yakima:
The needs for the project include the following:
The Proposed Project would include construction of three separate streets:
This proposed corridor alignment would require construction of four bridges including:
Floodplain mitigation will be provided for the impacts created by construction of the new Yakima River Bridge piers and floodplain fill. The mitigation will consist of floodplain grading, backchannel construction, levee improvements, and large wood habitat structures as appropriate. Mitigation work conducted as part of this project would be consistent with the work currently being done with Yakima County’s Yakima River Gap to Gap Ecosystem Restoration Project The floodplain restoration work will help prevent flood damage to properties adjacent to the river as well as improve salmon habitat. The photo to the left shows the extent of the Yakima River flood in May of 2011.
Throughout the planning process of this project, it has been important that we hear input from the local community. Public outreach for this project has been ongoing since the project was in the alternative analysis phase. Numerous public meetings have been held in the City of Yakima where city, county, and design team representatives have discussed proposed alternatives, proposed project facilities, project phasing, and other project aspects. The first open house meeting occurred on June 9, 2010. In this meeting, personnel representing the design team, Yakima County, and the City of Yakima discussed the four proposed alignments for the East-West Corridor. Attendees of the meeting were asked to leave contact information if they wanted to be kept informed of project updates through mailed or emailed notices. Meeting attendees were asked to leave questions and/or comments on comment forms for project representatives to respond. These comments mainly pertained to personal preference of proposed alignments which minimized impacts to personal property. Concerns were also raised regarding disruption from noise and traffic to the community as a whole from the different proposed alignments. Comments in support of Greenway Trail connections and pedestrian facilities were also received. These comments were addressed in Appendix J of the August 2011 Alignment Study.
A follow-up open house meeting occurred on November 16, 2010. As the meeting discussed the same alternatives as the first meeting, the majority of the comments addressed the same issues as the first one.
A public comment period occurred following the publishing of the August 2011 Alignment Study for the project. Notices were sent out to residents and property owners within the project vicinity, as well as people who left their contact information at previous open-house meetings. A phone number was provided on the notice to contact for information in Spanish. Comments were submitted by October 15, 2011. A follow-up public meeting occurred on October 25, 2011. The meeting began with an introduction from a Yakima County representative summarizing the alternatives analysis process. The majority of these comments again pertained to concerns over chosen alternative alignments including right-of-way acquisitions. Comments both for and against roundabout intersections were received as well as support for transit options on the new route. Based on the comments received prior to the October 15 deadline, and the comments stated during the October 25 meeting, an Alignment Alternatives Study – Supplemental Report was published in June 2012.
With the final alignment chosen, public meetings resumed in 2019 to discuss the Proposed Project phasing and the environmental review process. An open house meeting occurred on April 17, 2019, which all property owners within the project vicinity were notified by mail in a letter provided in both English and Spanish. A Spanish language interpreter was present at the open house to answer questions regarding the project. The majority of the comments received pertained to concerns with the bicycle facility design and concerns with how this project would impact the surrounding neighborhoods on both sides of the river. Based on the comments provided at these meetings, the project design along East H Street has been altered in order to provide sidewalks and bike lanes rather than a shared use path.
In-person meetings have not been possible during the Covid-19 pandemic, but we still want to hear from you. If you have any questions or comments regarding this project, or any of the other projects discussed on this site, please submit a comment on our Contact Us page. We will respond to you as soon as we can. Notices for any future public meetings will be posted to this site. Also, the documents referenced on this page, and more, can be downloaded from the Library page.
Title VI
Yakima County ensures full compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by prohibiting discrimination against any person on the basis of race, color, national origin or sex in the provision of benefits and services resulting from its federally assisted programs and activities. For questions regarding Yakima County’s Title VI Program, you may contact the Title VI Coordinator at (509)-574-2300.
If your questions pertain to a meeting and you need special accommodations, please call us at (509)-574-2300 by 10:00 am three days prior to the meeting. For TDD users, please use the States’s toll free relay service 1-800-833-6388 and ask the operator to dial (509)-574-2300.
Public outreach flyer from April 17th, 2019 Public Open House.
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